Upcoming Events 

See Events page for full calendar and event details.


Log Cabin Republicans is the nation’s original and largest organization representing gay conservatives and allies who support fairness, freedom, and equality for all Americans. Log Cabin Republicans has state and local chapters nationwide, full-time staff in Washington, DC, a federal political action committee, and state political action committees.

Log Cabin Republicans of Houston strives to be an advocate for legal and political equality for all Houstonians, regardless of sexual orientation or status, under the framework of the Republican principles of limited government, individual liberty, and personal responsibility. A portion of this work involves helping equality minded Republicans to achieve political office within the greater Houston area, and reaching out to all individuals with shared values, and demonstrating that a person's sexual orientation or identity does not limit them from supporting the best of Republican ideals. Through these shared goals and activities we build a community where all Republicans, gay or straight, transgender or not, have opportunities in which to discuss issues of mutual interest.


Within Texas there are four Log Cabin Republicans chapters: San Antonio, Austin, Dallas and Houston. Each chapter meets monthly in their respective cities, and at least once a year all the chapters meet and work together to build a stronger more consistently principled and liberty-minded Republican Party. 


The Houston chapter was founded in 2010. The organization includes LGBT and allied Republicans, including numerous local elected judges and state legislators, supportive of a big tent GOP. Houston LCR members have been active in assisting in the election campaigns of our endorsed candidates, such as Alex Mealer, Mary Nan Huffman, Twila Carter and Julian Ramirez. Our annual fundraising galas have featured keynote speakers in recent years such as Honorable Ric Grenell, Fox News Contributor Matt Schlapp, U.S. Congressman Ted Poe, U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw, and U.S. Congressman Wesley Hunt. At the 2018 Texas GOP State Convention, the Houston chapter led a successful effort, with the support and aid of other Republican allies and fellow LCR chapters across the state, to change the official party platform by removing all blanket condemnations of people simply for being gay.  As a result of that success, the Houston chapter was recognized by the national organization of Log Cabin Republicans with an award at their annual Spirit of Lincoln Dinner held in Washington, D.C.

2024-2025 Directors and Officers

President: Danny Stevens
Vice-President: Robert Diaz-Arrastia
Treasurer: Kyle Levy
Secretary: Eric Ruzyla
Communications Director: David Palmer
Membership Director: Vacant
Social & Activities Director: Robert Cardenas

Past Presidents

2022-2024 - Chris Halbohn
2020-2022 – Jay Milton
2016-2020 – Marco A. Roberts
2014-2016 – Antoine B. Taylor
2012-2014 – Michael Baker
2010-2012 – Chris Busby

Governing Documents

Log Cabin Republicans of Houston By-laws can be viewed here

Bylaw History:

New by-laws were adopted on September 14th, 2022. 

Mission Statement

The mission of Log Cabin Republicans of Houston is to advocate for our local membership to build a stronger Republican Party.  We promote the core values of limited government, individual liberty, personal responsibility, free markets, a strong national defense, freedom, and equality of all Americans, regardless of sexual orientation or minority status.